Our stage 3 induction kit for the ST180 is now available.
Now comprising of more hard pipes and less silicone hoses meaning even less restriction with the airflow.
Available with a selection of hose colours and comes complete with all screws ready to be fitted.
The new design Stage 3 induction kit works perfectly with the standard Fiesta ST180.
Enhanced induction sound, great looks and loud recirculation dump valve noise on let off. And only £295
- Features.
- Removes ugly original plastic & restrictive airbox
- Replaces bigger silicone hoses with hard pipes
- Adds more power and torque,
- more responsive and exciting driving experience
- Enhanced induction sound and turbo recirculation noise (dump valve ‘psssh’)
- free-flowing Airfilter & optional k&n dry charger filter cover
- CNC maf sensor boss with AS engraved logo
- Powder-coated alloy heat-shield
- Adds style to your ST engine bay
- Easy fitting, takes less than 15-20 minutes to install