From coilover to underbraces we have them all. This kit will transform the handling of your 1 series! If its a 118d or a stage 3 M140i.
This kit offers your choices of subframe inserts, which makes the back end feel much tighter and less disconnected which is a comment problem with these cars. You can choose from Black or Yellow. The yellow is softer so more for street use. Our car has the Black fitted, which is more for the track. It is a much harder material and offers even more stiffness.
Your next choice is coilovers! B12 B14 or B16. These are Bilstein coilover. Some of the best on the market. They offer 3 different versions for this car. B12 which are a spring and shock tower comes at Bilsteins recommended height and is plug and play. The B14s are height adjustable. This allows you to raise it up or lower the car as and when. And the final option B16s, this is the most expensive of the lot, however, for a good reason, they are height adjustable and dampening adjustable. You can turn the suspension to really stiff for track use and make them nice and soft for the drive home!
Now! Your finally choice, underbrace and Control arms. The underbrace is a personal must for these cars. Especially as BMW things all cars came with one fitted.... most don't.. But there is a reason they should have been fitted. The handling difference is night and day. You lose the floaty rear end and it just tightens the car up. The control arms are the upgraded M3 and M4 arms. They are stiffer and give the steering a heavier and more direct feel. The arm help with turn-in and provides an extra degree of camber to help.
Oh and once you have bought all of this... check out the M performance LSD's....
Please note. There are often wait times on the coilovers. However the rest of the kit is pretty much always held in stock. Email us with any questions.